2013년 1월 4일 금요일


  Hi, :D  I'm Kim-mireu(김미르).  
I'm 16 now, and I'm from Gwang ju.
I would like to introduce about three things about me.
  First, I'm called as  a " wiredo" at school because  my friends and I are a little known for acting very crazy.kkkk 
 Secondly,I have a room that looks like a small library.It is a room that is almost filled with books, and,  it is the room that i also study in.  It is the room that I can concentrate very  well, so I like that room the most.
 And for the last one, I have about 281 DVDs at home. there are so many kinds of DVDs such as  Fantasy movies, Musicals, Dramas, or ballet. My favorite DVD is  called  Everybody hates Chris. It is a drama from America, and I think it is a really funny one.
  Anyway,  thank you for reading ~

댓글 6개:

  1. Hi... I'm very glad to meet u.
    Enjoy GLPS camp~

  2. Wow, you have a lot of DVDs in your home! I want to visit your home... Well, it's impossible now. Anyway, I could know you more than before.

  3. You really do have a whole lot of DVDs in your home! I think you wrote your introduction well:)

  4. Hi Mireu,
    It is good to get to know more about you from this post. You have a very large DVD collection. Remember with blogs, you should use pictures, videos and links to support your writing. Try adding some next time.

  5. Hi!
    It is very impressive that you were able to collect 281 DVDs!! Your post is neatly written with little mistakes. Just try to add some pictures or videos to make your post more interesting. I look forward to reading your future posts~

    -Yongwook, Oh (Writing TA)
